The MCE-100 Mode C Encoder / Digital Altimeter provides accurate easy-to-read altitudes up to 32,000 feet. The MCE-100 displays altitude with a 10 ft. resolution and has the advantage of having a Mode C encoder built into it. Unlike traditional encoders that require several minutes of warm up time before they can transmit their code, the MCE-100 is ready instantly due to its internal temperature compensation.
The MCD-100 provides a digital display of altitude information from an encoding altimeter or "blind" altitude encoder. This allows the pilot to see the altitude that is transmitted to ATC at all times. The instrument also allows the pilot to input the local barometer setting and display a corrected altitude that takes place at the ATC facility. The MCD-100 has an altitude alert function to flash the display and drive an audible alarm if the plane varies more than 200 feet from a desired altitude.
The ESM-100 provides accurate, simultaneous readings of the current draw and voltage of the electrical system. It has the ability to monitor two separate currents - the battery charging current and the system (master switch) current. Alarm settings allow notification of over-current conditions of both circuits, a battery discharge and low voltage condition. For each current measurement, the ESM-100 can use either a standard 50mV shunt or a solid-state Hall-Effect sensor.
The OSM-100 provides accurate, simultaneous readings oil temperature and pressure. The OSM-100 can be used with a wide variety of sensors for both temperature and pressure. Alarm levels can be set for both high and low temperatures and high and low pressures to warn the pilot of and dangerous engine conditions. The OSM-100 can display readings in both English and Metric units.
The ETM-100 displays both cylinder head temperature and exhaust gas temperature with an accuracy never experienced with mechanical gauges. Internal, Cold Temperature compensation allows engine temperatures to be confidently tracked from ambient to normal operating conditions using standard Type J and Type K thermocouples. Alarm levels can be optionally set to alert the pilot to any conditions that might indicate an engine problem. The ETM-100 is a Single channel (1 EGT and 1 CHT) instrument.